venerdì 28 novembre 2014

EFDD Newsletter - November 2014

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Thursday, 27 November 2014

UKIP MEP Steven Woolfe says European Parliament has ignored Luxembourg multi-billion tax scandal to protect Juncker

UKIP MEP Steven Woolfe says European Parliament has ignored  Luxembourg multi-billion tax scandal to protect Juncker

The euro is "a lemon" and the investment package is "just another EU turkey"

The euro is

Young people must be focus of alcohol awareness efforts

Young people must be focus of alcohol awareness efforts

Mark Reckless won the Rochester by election this morning while taking 42% of the vote

Mark Reckless won the Rochester by election this morning while taking 42% of the vote

Motion of Censure to sack Juncker Commission submitted by members of EFDD Group

Motion of Censure to sack Juncker Commission submitted by members of EFDD Group

Recognising access to the internet as a human right should be the priority of the EU digital agenda

Recognising access to the internet as a human right should be the priority of the EU  digital agenda
Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Paull Nuttall calls EU Commission president a hypocrite over tax evasion and demands his resignation

Paull Nuttall calls EU Commission president a hypocrite over tax evasion and demands his  resignation

It is time for the EU institutions to wake up and face reality

It is time for the EU institutions to wake up and face reality

It is time to rethink migration politics and to ensure the protection of human rights and to save lives

It is time to rethink migration politics and to ensure the protection of human rights  and to save lives




Water control of the Nile risking new famine in Ethiopia

Water control of the Nile risking new famine in Ethiopia


Many workers in Europe have lost their job because of unfair competition

Many workers in Europe have lost their job because of unfair competition


If you had built an economic system based on ethics before profit!

If you had built an economic system based on ethics before profit!


Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Eye-watering energy prices a direct result of climate alarmism

Eye-watering energy prices a direct result of climate alarmism

We need to make a decision on the measures after the Kyoto protocol

We need to make a decision on the measures after the Kyoto protocol


Wednesday, 26 November 2014

We've become an economy without growth, so please keep that hypocricy to yourselves

We've become an economy without growth, so please keep that hypocricy to yourselves
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

One of the largest stumbling blocks towards lasting peace in Israel and Palestine

One of the largest stumbling blocks towards lasting peace in Israel and Palestine
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Eleonora Evi on Climate Change Conference

Eleonora Evi on Climate Change Conference
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

EU interference can do no good for Palestinian issue

EU interference can do no good for Palestinian issue

Piernicola Pedicini on Climate Change

Piernicola Pedicini on Climate Change
Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Parliamentary motions that lead to no peace

Parliamentary motions that lead to no peace

Fabio Massimo Castaldo on Palestine

Fabio Massimo Castaldo on Palestine

Too serious for bleeding-heart, gesture politics of the Left

Too serious for bleeding-heart, gesture politics of the Left

Let's keep our Internet free from political interference

Let's keep our Internet free from political interference

Commission's growth package: a botched solution to an unsound vehicle

Commission's growth package: a botched solution to an unsound vehicle

We don't want a situation to arise where human smugglers know that Frontex is the way in

We don't want a situation to arise where human smugglers know that Frontex is the way in

Horizon 2020 - Life will probably go by, as it has happened more than once

Horizon 2020 - Life will probably go by, as it has happened more than once

Combating violence against women

Combating violence against women

Open-door immigration policy gives free access to criminals

Open-door immigration policy gives free access to criminals

You don't even have the people of Europe behind you

You don't even have the people of Europe behind you
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Cosa sono le P.M.I.

La politica viene costantemente svolta da persone competenti in moltissimi argomenti, ma molto spesso ignare delle realtà delle imprese. Le P.M.I. sono le Piccole e Medie Imprese che sostengono larga parte dell'economia della Società e delle Città.
Senza le P.M.I. non ci sarebbe forse nulla da governare perché non ci sarebbero i fondi necessari a sostenere il bilancio Nazionale ed Europeo. Le P.M.I. costituiscono parte importante dell'economia reale, e senza di loro non sussisterebbero nè grandi Industrie nè banche, nè quindi servizi sociali, organi pubblici, nè Stato. Chi vuole svolgere bene la carriera politica deve conoscere la realtà economica di un'impresa ma spesso crea solo questionari per i commercianti, camere di commercio inefficienti, sistemi di tassazione usurari, complicati e insostenibili, tribunali di giustizia iniqui, e assenza della tutela d'ufficio del credito attivo e passivo delle P.M.I.. Lo scopo di questo sito è riformare la considerazione delle P.M.I. nella classe politica. Se sei un imprenditore con partita i.v.a. qui sei il benvenuto e qui puoi fornire le tue richieste che verranno raccolte in modo sistematico per formare un programma di riforme inderogabili ed urgenti per la tutela della tua realtà lavorativa, che è quella che supporta l'economia di base, ma spesso viene ignorata, sfruttata iniquamente, mortificata, umiliata dalle caste dei poteri forti che restano ignari di questi valori. Facciamo massa critica e attiviamoci per definire le nostre necessità. Cavalchiamo la storia adesso. EF