venerdì 9 maggio 2014

Esempio di Solutions for water treatment

The Arkema group mobilizes its research capabilities to address issues relating to water quality and access to water. The Group is developing effective treatment and filtration solutions to help meet this universal challenge.
Water treatment is a major focus of research for the Arkema group. Its major products and solutions for this field are fluoropolymer membranes and activated carbon.
Sight on settling tanks with water evaporation under the effect of solar heat
The Group also markets various other products with applications in water treatment:
  • Acrylic acid is used to make polyacrylates that serve as flocculants for suspended solids removal in water treatment plants.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is used to lower the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of an effluent. The Arkema group received the Pierre Potier Prize in 2011 for its innovative process to remove sulfur-containing residues from industrial effluents using hydrogen peroxide. This is a “clean” reagent par excellence: it has the advantage of generating neither treatment sludge nor toxic by-products – simply water and oxygen.
  • Rilsan® fine powders have been selected by many cities for their strength, stability and low friction coefficient (better flow) as a lining for drinking water mains and wastewater treatment installations.

The Arkema group is also taking steps to promote universal access to water by limiting its own water consumption.
Asian father and child fishing in a lake

The challenge of universal access to water

Today, just over one-third of the world’s population lives in regions plagued by scarce water resources. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), water shortages are likely to become much more acute by 2050. The Organization’s model, IMPACT, predicts that most countries in the Middle East and North Africa will be facing severe water shortages by that time.
In its resolution of July 28, 2010, the United Nations General Assembly declared the right to safe and clean drinking water as a
human right that is essential for the full enjoyment of life and all human rights


However, nearly 900 million people in the world lack secure access to clean drinking water, according to the United Nations. And where access is available, the quality of the service varies greatly in different regions of the world.
The difficulty of securing access to water will become more acute in the years ahead due to population growth and the many competing needs for water (domestic uses, agriculture, industry).


Cosa sono le P.M.I.

La politica viene costantemente svolta da persone competenti in moltissimi argomenti, ma molto spesso ignare delle realtà delle imprese. Le P.M.I. sono le Piccole e Medie Imprese che sostengono larga parte dell'economia della Società e delle Città.
Senza le P.M.I. non ci sarebbe forse nulla da governare perché non ci sarebbero i fondi necessari a sostenere il bilancio Nazionale ed Europeo. Le P.M.I. costituiscono parte importante dell'economia reale, e senza di loro non sussisterebbero nè grandi Industrie nè banche, nè quindi servizi sociali, organi pubblici, nè Stato. Chi vuole svolgere bene la carriera politica deve conoscere la realtà economica di un'impresa ma spesso crea solo questionari per i commercianti, camere di commercio inefficienti, sistemi di tassazione usurari, complicati e insostenibili, tribunali di giustizia iniqui, e assenza della tutela d'ufficio del credito attivo e passivo delle P.M.I.. Lo scopo di questo sito è riformare la considerazione delle P.M.I. nella classe politica. Se sei un imprenditore con partita i.v.a. qui sei il benvenuto e qui puoi fornire le tue richieste che verranno raccolte in modo sistematico per formare un programma di riforme inderogabili ed urgenti per la tutela della tua realtà lavorativa, che è quella che supporta l'economia di base, ma spesso viene ignorata, sfruttata iniquamente, mortificata, umiliata dalle caste dei poteri forti che restano ignari di questi valori. Facciamo massa critica e attiviamoci per definire le nostre necessità. Cavalchiamo la storia adesso. EF