venerdì 19 dicembre 2014

EFDD Newsletter - December 2014

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EU expecting 'huge gift from Santa'

EU  expecting 'huge gift from Santa'

ECJ ruling humiliates UK Government and shows Cameron promise to control borders is "naive or dishonest."

ECJ ruling humiliates UK Government and shows Cameron promise to control borders is
Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Torture: MEPs call for investigation into EU countries' role in CIA practices

Torture: MEPs call for investigation into EU countries' role in CIA practices

EU’s airport strategy is ‘outrageous’ waste of our money

EU’s airport strategy is ‘outrageous’ waste of our money
Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Mr Juncker, you are competent, dangerous and doomed to fail

Mr Juncker, you are competent, dangerous and doomed to fail

EU forces online SMEs to register for VAT from Jan 1st, 2015

EU forces online SMEs to register for VAT from Jan 1st, 2015

EU gender quotas 'undermine the status of women'

EU gender quotas 'undermine the status of women'
Tuesday, 09 December 2014

Big budget - more eu fudge, but we still have to pay

Big budget - more eu fudge, but we still have to pay

Climate mitigation on the Kyoto model is probably unnecessary, certainly ineffectual, and ruinously expensive

Climate mitigation on the Kyoto model is probably unnecessary, certainly  ineffectual, and ruinously expensive

The renewal of the EU Internal Security Strategy (ISS)

The renewal of the EU Internal Security Strategy (ISS)

What's exported is done by drivers who earn 500€/month, it's more than slavery!

What's exported is done by drivers who earn 500€/month, it's more than slavery!



Time for Obama to open a dialogue with Venezuela

Time for Obama to open a dialogue with Venezuela


TTIP will be a new weapon of the West to make war with the rest of the world

TTIP will be a new weapon of the West to make war with the rest of the world


The EU has no jurisdiction over State recognition

The EU has no jurisdiction over State recognition


The fight against Mafia is a European issue

The fight against Mafia is a European issue

Europe must condemn the torture at Guantanamo

Europe must condemn the torture at Guantanamo
Wednesday, 17 December 2014

EU imperialism is a destabilising force in the world

EU imperialism is a destabilising force in the world
Wednesday, 17 December 2014

The agreement on the European budget is a defeat for all

The agreement on the European budget is a defeat for all

Taking responsibility for taxpayers' money is practically non-existent in this house

Taking responsibility for taxpayers' money is practically non-existent in this house
Wednesday, 17 December 2014

A Fairytale in Strasbourg: Super-Fantasy EUconomics

A Fairytale in Strasbourg: Super-Fantasy EUconomics

We don't have enough jobs for the inhabitants of the EU

We don't have enough jobs for the inhabitants of the EU

EU Budget: British taxpayers paying more, get less in return

EU Budget: British taxpayers paying more, get less in return

Governments do not create jobs

Governments do not create jobs

Juncker is the enemy of the citizens

Juncker is the enemy of the citizens
Tuesday, 16 December 2014

It's unfair, some countries pay more than they recieve

It's unfair, some countries pay more than they recieve

Mr Juncker, you are competent, dangerous and doomed to fail

Mr Juncker, you are competent, dangerous and doomed to fail

How can the euro be sustainable without a common policy on interest rates?

How can the euro be sustainable without a common policy on interest rates?

EU regulations have strangled European economies

 EU regulations have strangled European economies

Oil sands and shale gas are disastrous for the environment

Oil sands and shale gas are disastrous for the environment

Yet another EU power grab

Yet another EU  power grab

Scheming EU bureaucrats punishing hard-working British lorry drivers

Scheming EU bureaucrats punishing hard-working British lorry drivers

Eu legislation is bringing haulage companies on their knees

Eu legislation is bringing haulage companies on their knees
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Cosa sono le P.M.I.

La politica viene costantemente svolta da persone competenti in moltissimi argomenti, ma molto spesso ignare delle realtà delle imprese. Le P.M.I. sono le Piccole e Medie Imprese che sostengono larga parte dell'economia della Società e delle Città.
Senza le P.M.I. non ci sarebbe forse nulla da governare perché non ci sarebbero i fondi necessari a sostenere il bilancio Nazionale ed Europeo. Le P.M.I. costituiscono parte importante dell'economia reale, e senza di loro non sussisterebbero nè grandi Industrie nè banche, nè quindi servizi sociali, organi pubblici, nè Stato. Chi vuole svolgere bene la carriera politica deve conoscere la realtà economica di un'impresa ma spesso crea solo questionari per i commercianti, camere di commercio inefficienti, sistemi di tassazione usurari, complicati e insostenibili, tribunali di giustizia iniqui, e assenza della tutela d'ufficio del credito attivo e passivo delle P.M.I.. Lo scopo di questo sito è riformare la considerazione delle P.M.I. nella classe politica. Se sei un imprenditore con partita i.v.a. qui sei il benvenuto e qui puoi fornire le tue richieste che verranno raccolte in modo sistematico per formare un programma di riforme inderogabili ed urgenti per la tutela della tua realtà lavorativa, che è quella che supporta l'economia di base, ma spesso viene ignorata, sfruttata iniquamente, mortificata, umiliata dalle caste dei poteri forti che restano ignari di questi valori. Facciamo massa critica e attiviamoci per definire le nostre necessità. Cavalchiamo la storia adesso. EF